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Collection of Hart Kannegiesser Images

Record group

Hartmut Kannegiesser was born and raised in Germany, came to the U.S. at the age of 26, and spent his professional life as a physician in St. Louis and Chicago. He is currently retired and lives in the Chicago area. 

He took up photography when the first decent digital cameras came on the market in the early 2000s. His passion has been, and is to this day, landscape photography. He loves the outdoors and relishes the challenges and rewards of photographing in natural light.

The Morton Arboretum is one of his favorite photography destinations. Over the last 20+ years he has made innumerable visits to the Arboretum with his camera, and has accumulated thousands of Arboretum photographs. 

Some of these images are special because they capture an inspirational moment of one kind or another: an unusual or unique tree, a beautiful flower, special light, an intriguing perspective, or a dramatic sky. It is these special images that make up the present collection.

Hart is grateful to the Arboretum for the opportunity to share the images with its members, friends and staff via the ACORN database. His special thanks go to Rita Hassert and Danielle Nowak at the Sterling Morton Library.  Both have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition.
