Mehaffey, Scott A.

Individual, 2.4822

Landscape Architect, Collections and Grounds - The Morton Arboretum (1993-2005)
Mehaffey, Scott - Publications
Hitchcock Design Group Telephone Report
Sylvia Shaw Judson: Rain Tree Fountain
May T. Watts Reading Garden Improvement Documents
Proposal of Professional Services: Thornhill Ravine Watershed Study
Conifer Walk Plans
Boardwalk Estimates and Proposals
Structural Engineer Concerns- Overlook Columns
Overlook Footing Layout
Out of Scope Record: Arbor Court and Maze Garden
Arbor Court Trash Receptacles
Bidder List for Maze Garden and Arbor Court Project
Maze Garden and Arbor Court Binder
Administrative Entrance/Library Addition Budget/Costs
Access Ramps at Administration Building Entry
1997 Wish List Information Sheet:
Renovation of the Reading Garden

Aggregate Path Surface Options- Correspondence
Joy Path Asphalt Correspondence
Conceptual Landscape Rendering of Proposed Improvements to the Hedge Collection: Center Terrace Area
Color Garden: Preliminary Cost Estimate
Broken Headstone Correspondence
Morton Family Cemetery Fountain
Morton Lattner Cemetery Marker
Morton Cemetery Story
Morton Family Cemetery Headstone Inscriptions
Lake Marmo Visitor Station Concept Grading and Cost Estimate
Lake Marmo Concept Sketches
Site Lighting Plan Layout
Central Area Lighting Plan
Bega Light Drawing
Sign Lighting Redesign
Contract for Professional Services: Location Study and Conceptual Design for New Identity Signs at The Morton Arboretum
Site Identity: Schematics
Schematic Designs for New Site Identity Signs at The Morton Arboretum
Landscape Plans for Requested Signs
Lighting Revisions: Okeh Electric Company
Sign Lighting
Route 88 Sign Area Irrigation
Site Identity Signs: Letters to Jim Saloga
Setback from Street Right-of-Way
Rain Tree Fountain Documents
IDOT/ITEP Correspondence and Notes
Conifer Walk- Updated Concept Design
Conifer Walk- Revised Concept-Level Cost Estimate
Conifer Walk Trail Estimated Costs
Section of Proposed Boardwalk
Stone Foundation and Seat Wall Layout
Layout for the Prairie Overlook
Program Statement for the Prairie Visitor Station Landscape
Prairie Visitor Station Field Work
Prairie Visitor Station Seeding
Schulenberg Prairie Correspondence
Big Rock Visitor Station Overflow Parking Lot
Proposal: Interpretation for Meadow Lake Visitor Center
Meadow Lake and Visitor Station Costs and Estimates
Landscape Objectives for Big Rock Visitor Station
Miscellaneous Site Photographs
Mehaffey, Scott
AABGA NetGuide submitted 2004
Morton Burial Plot Improvements