Crabapple Lake

Landmarks, 2.53323

1988 – 1989 created
To block noise and pollution from the tollway, berms were constructed along The Morton Arboretum's borders. However, this disturbed the surface water flow, as some drainageways had originally flowed to the tollway ditches. Crabapple Lake was excavated to manage the waterflow by storing excess water and releasing it at a natural rate of flow. It also served as a site to outlet drain tiles for the nursery space to the east.

Crabapple Lake derives its name from the tree collection that surrounds its banks. The lake's excavation ended in 1988, and by March 1989, the lake was completely filled. On April 22, 1990 the Arboretum celebrated the 20th anniversary of Earth Day with over 2,000 people who came to help plant trees along the berms and in the crabapple collection. During this Earth Day event, the Arboretum dedicated Crabapple Lake.