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Conservation Gap Analysis of Native U.S. Hickories

Born digital
August 2021
Trees are facing increasing threats globally, including habitat loss, natural systems modification, land use change, climate change, and pests and diseases. With more than 800 native tree species in the continental United States and more than 60,000 tree species globally, prioritizing species and conservation activities is vital for effectively utilizing limited resources. To facilitate this conservation planning, we developed a gap analysis methodology that examines both the accomplishments and most urgent needs for in situ (on-site) and ex situ (off-site) conservation of priority, at-risk tree groups in the U.S. This methodology was first implemented in our flagship report, Conservation Gap Analysis of Native U.S. Oaks (Beckman et al., 2019).
This report is one of seven that present the results of a second phase of gap analyses, which focuses on native U.S. trees within a group of priority genera that were selected due to particular economic importance, potential challenges with conventional ex situ conservation, and/or threats from emerging pests and diseases: Carya, Fagus, Gymnocladus, Juglans, Pinus, Taxus, and selected Lauraceae (Lindera, Persea, Sassafras). In each report, we provide a summary of ecology, distribution, and threats, and present results based on new data from a global survey of ex situ collections and a conservation action questionnaire that was distributed in 2019 to a wide range of conservation practitioners in the U.S. and botanical gardens globally. The aim of this report is to help prioritize conservation actions and coordinate activities between stakeholders to efficiently and effectively conserve these keystone trees in the U.S.
Carya Nutt. (hickory)
The Morton Arboretum (published by)
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