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Quercus brandegeei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016

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Encino Arroyero Quercus brandegeei has most recently been assessed for The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2016. Quercus brandegeei is listed as Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii,v)c(iv)+2ab(iii,v)c(iv).

Quercus brandegeei is a tree endemic to Mexico. It has a very restricted range (extent of occurrence (EOO)= 1,660-3,052 km2 and area of occupancy (AOO)= 104 km2) and a single location based on the most significant plausible threat of habitat degradation due to lack of precipitation that fills the ephemeral riverbeds in which it grows. The lack of precipitation results in episodic and very limited or even non-existent regeneration. Field surveys prior to 1998 and again in 2015 reported no regeneration for the species at several sites, and field researchers observed no trees under 100 years old in the field (B. Cavender-Bares pers. comm. 2016). The decline in quality of habitat caused by the drying of the ephemeral riverbeds is thought to be the cause of the complete lack of regeneration in the past 100 years, and because of it, a decline in population and extreme fluctuation in number of mature individuals is projected for the future, hence it qualifies for listing as Endangered.
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