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Ed Hedborn oral history interview, 2023 January 25
Copyright statement:

©The Morton Arboretum 

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Ed Hedborn oral history interview, 2023 January 25

Sound recording
Born digital
January 25 2023
A recording of an oral history interview with Ed Hedborn, manager of plant records, conducted by Kristin Arnold, archivist. The interview took place on January 25, 2023 in the Sterling Morton Library at The Morton Arboretum.

The interview focuses on Hedborn's experiences and memories of The Morton Arboretum's Collections Program during the curatorship of Peter van der Linden, which lasted from 1987 to 1998. Topics include the Arboretum's collections, the evaluation and rehabilitation of collections, the construction of the North-South Tollway (I-355), salt studies, plant labels, seed collecting, and the Arbor Day Plant Sale.
Hedborn Jr., Edward A. (interviewee)
Arnold, Kristin E. (interviewer)
van der Linden, Peter J. (is related to)
Schulenberg, Ray (is related to)
Godshalk, Clarence E. (is related to)
Kim, Kunso (is related to)
Bachtell, Kris (is related to)
Ware, George (is related to)
Clark, Ross C. (is related to)
Watts, May Theilgaard (is related to)
Swink, Floyd (is related to)
Lewin, Katrina (is related to)
Linsner, Pete (is related to)
Lobdell, Matt (is related to)
Copyright statement:

©The Morton Arboretum 

Please visit our ABOUT section for more information.