Copyright statement:

©The Morton Arboretum 

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Branches: Newsletter of the Volunteers of the Morton Arboretum, Spring 1988

6 pages
This digitized issue of the Spring 1988 Branches Newsletter contains the following articles: a history of the rare book collection housed on shelves below the library and started by Joy Morton with contributions by Charles Sprague Sargent of the Arnold Arboretum in Boston and later Suzette Davidson; the crab apple collection of 50 species and the Du Page Environmental Awareness Center under the direction of Bill Borden founded to address the rapid growth of Du Page county and address issue such as waste disposal, air and water quality, land use and energy conservation. Volunteer opportunities, classes, trainings, and new volunteers.
Spring 1988
The Morton Arboretum (published by)
MacPhail, Ian (contributed)
Green, Tom (contributed)
Borden, William K. (depicts)
Copyright statement:

©The Morton Arboretum 

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