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©The Morton Arboretum 

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Jerry Wilhelm oral history interview, 2023 March 22

Sound recording
Born digital
March 22 2023
A recording of an oral history interview with Gerould (Jerry) Wilhelm, former herbarium assistant and field taxonomist at The Morton Arboretum, conducted by Cindy Crosby, prairie steward supervisor. The interview took place on March 22, 2023 in the Research Center at The Morton Arboretum. This is part of a series of interviews with individuals connected to the Schulenberg Prairie.

Topics include Wilhelm's residential garden of native plants, soil, water, climate change, Dick Young, the evaluation of prairie remnants, the rise of ecology and environmentalism, Wilhelm's first experiences with Ray Schulenberg and Floyd Swink, Flora of the Chicago Region, draining prairie, prescribed burns, and Bob Betz and cemetery prairies.
Wilhelm, Gerould (interviewee)
Crosby, Cindy (interviewer)
Copyright statement:

©The Morton Arboretum 

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