New research wing, greenhouses, and service building for the Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
Not yet digitized
121.5 cm W x 74.5 cm H (Item)
121.5 cm W x 75.5 cm H (Item)
125 cm W x 91.5 cm H (Item)
126 cm W x 92 cm H (Item)
33 sheets in binder
March 24 1955
The research wing constructed in 1955 as an addition to the Administration building ceased to house research activities in 1982, the year in which the new Research Center was added. At the later date, the 1955 structure became a functional administrative structure. The plans contain 5 subsets: A-1--A-14, architectural drawings; S-1 -- S-6,structural drawings; M-2 --M-7, mechanical drawings; E-1 -- E-6, electrical drawings; and CE-1, civil engineering drawing. This copy is missing M-1 and CE-2.
Research Center (is related to)
Administration Building (is related to)