[Planting plans for the] Rhamnus Group, Rhus Group, Amelanchier Group, Euonymus, Rutaceae [and] Tamarix

[Lisle, Illinois]
Ink drawings;Parchment;
Landscaping plans
Not yet digitized
90 cm W x 70 cm H (Item)
Rhamnus, Rhus, and Amelanchier: 2 millimeter = 1 foot; Euonymus, Rutaceae and Tamarix: 1 millimeter = 1 foot
1 sheet
October 1924
Four schematic plans are contained on the sheet, with no indication given as to location within the Arboretum. The Amelanchier group planting plan was developed further in 1926, titled Amelanchier Group [and Berberis Groups, Planting Plan].
Landscape Design