Roadside Planting of Native Trees and Shrubs

[Lisle, Illinois]
Pencil/ink drawing on vellum;
Landscaping plans
Not yet digitized
120 cm W x 92 cm H (Item)
1 sheet
Ms. note on verso indicates that this drawing is a demonstration or training aid.
(States "Roadside Plan--Demonstration CEG")

Includes illustration of a road crossing a bridge with trees and shrubs alongside, text, and an additional drawing showing specific plants identified for planting along a road.

"Views from the highway should be kept open and often times framed by plantings. Planting materials should be suitable for existing sun and shade as well as soil conditions. Plants should vary in height to give interesting light and shade effects and a varied skyline. Plants used should give variety and be grouped to make good blooming combinations. Fall color combinations should be kept in mind when groups are being planned. As far as possible keep all plants in compact groups as it simplifies highway maintenance."
Roadside plants
Landscape design
Native Plants
Landscape Design