Hibiscus palustris L. (swamp rose mallow), close-up of flower bud
Copyright statement:

©John Hagstrom

Copyright restrictions applying to use or reproduction of this image are available from the Sterling Morton Library, The Morton Arboretum. For more information, please visit our ABOUT section or complete and submit this form.

Hibiscus palustris L. (swamp rose mallow), close-up of flower bud

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Hibiscus palustris L. (swamp rose mallow), perennial swamp wildflower, vigorous sturdy rounded, somewhat shrubby hairy-stemmed woody-based 3-7’ tall and to 2-4’ wide, native to wet spots (marshes, swamps, floodplains, river banks, moist meadows, and moist woods), flowers are showy dinner plate-sized hollyhock-like 4-6” diameter having five overlapping white or creamy white or pink petals, each flower has a prominent and showy central staminal column of white to pale yellow anthers surrounding an even longer style, leaves are alternate broad-ovate to lanceolate 3-8” long with toothed margins green above and white-hairy beneath lobeless or have 3-5 shallow lobes
Copyright statement:

©John Hagstrom

Copyright restrictions applying to use or reproduction of this image are available from the Sterling Morton Library, The Morton Arboretum. For more information, please visit our ABOUT section or complete and submit this form.