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Forest Health Issues 2019: An Overview

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Overall, the 2019 growing season was more active for forest health issues than previous years with a number of statewide issues including leaf tatters and possible herbicide injury to oak and other hardwood tree species, Japanese beetle feeding damage, decline of spruces and pines, rapid mortality of white oaks, and the usual foliar leaf diseases, namely anthracnose, sycamore anthracnose, and apple scab. In urban forests, honeylocust and spruce decline is increasing, associated with canker diseases. Magnolia scale is fairly common on ornamental landscape plants. Early season defoliators, such as eastern tent caterpillar, were prevalent in central and southern Illinois. Fall webworm was prevalent by late summer throughout the state. Heavy spring and early summer rains contributed to extensive flooding in southern and southwestern Illinois and late summer and fall in northern Illinois. EAB populations were high southern Illinois.
USDA Forest Service (published by)
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